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Contents of journal 16 June 1994
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covering issues 1 to 25.
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Individual articles may be available below
- Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
- A Toroidal Loop Antenna
- Part 2 of David Gibson's series on driving an untuned loop antenna.
- The Trogbox
- Chris Trayner describes a general purpose housing for use with electronic equipment underground.
- Water Tracing with VLF Radio
- Is it possible to design a VLF radio which can be dropped into a sump and tracked from the surface? David Gibson shows how the theory is applied to this problem.
- Locating Cavities Using Microgravity Techniques
- David Gibson reviews an article in Mine & Quarry.
- A More Accurate Dipole Field Pattern
- David Gibson suggests that previously published field patterns have been misleading and presents the new improved version.
- AM Radio Reception in Caves
- A review of a discussion which appeared in The Texas Caver. Review by David Gibson.
- Single and 2-wire Phones on the Same Cable
- Nigel Lovell responds to a letter on this subject by reference to his own recent design.
- Questionnaire for Rescue Groups
- Mike Bedford reports on requirements for new cave radio equipment.
- Accuracy of Ultrasonic & Optical Rangefinders
- Henry Lyall comments on David Gibson's article in Journal 6.
- Alkaline Cell Failure
- David Gibson reviews and expands on an article in Speleonics 17.
- Earth Current Signalling in White Scar
- Steve Clark shows how this neglected technique can produce some impressive results.
- The Caves of Thunder Radios
- Gavin Newman shows how CB radios were taken apart and rebuilt inside helmets to give hands-free communication on an expedition to Irian Jaya.
- Wet & Dry
- In our regular column on making equipment cave-proof, David Gibson explains some of the thoughts behind his choice of components for his 2-way earth return telephone.
- A High Performance Flashgun Slave
- An update on David Gibson's design.

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