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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 126
  • For further information, please see Publishing/Despatch Schedule
  • Database last updated on Sun, 26 May 2024 11:56:56 +0100
  • Online access is currently available for all issues. Some of the older issues are bit-map scans rather than digital copies. journal scans.
  • Online voting for CREG articles was withdrawn in June 2022. For info see Voting for CREG articles

Contents of journal 121
March 2023

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CREG Journal 121 (0-16) (PDF 2.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of March 2023 and was published on 29 March 2023.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 551KB)     
HF cave radio demonstration at the November 2016 CREG Field Meeting. Photo: Gregory Collins
Contents (2) (PDF 511KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
News and Notes (2)  For download see previous item
Field Meetings, Regular Columns, Page Count, Rob Gill.
Cave Radios for Communication and Radio-location - an Overview (3-7) (PDF 565KB)     
From the Molefone to the Nicola 4, Mike Bedford provides an overview of cave radio designs, old and new, to provide a bit of background for those new to this technology and, more importantly, to help those with a requirement for such equipment to draw up a shortlist of suitable options. This article is #7 in our Fundamentals series.
Viewing Phosphorescence in Real-time (8-9) (PDF 358KB)     
Some minerals phosphoresce following exposure to ultraviolet light. Viewing this often-short-lived phenomenon can be challenging, as the phosphorescence is often much weaker than the fluorescence accompanying the energising UV illumination. Rob Gill explores a novel viewing technique, employing a rapidly-pulsed UV source and liquid crystal shutters, intended to provide sustained visibility of the phosphorescence.
We Hear (10) (PDF 470KB)     
Roundup of news and events: Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Introducing KIRI Engine 3D Scanner, Colossal Cave: 2023 Style, In-phone Thermal Infrared Imaging.
Current Problems in Cave Radio (11) (PDF 221KB)     
Although through-rock radio is now well established, there are a number of puzzles that David Gibson asserts would benefit from further study.
Wet & Dry (12) (PDF 371KB)     
As Mike Bedford reports, tough cases for smartphones are providing improved protection, although dedicated rugged phones might be a better option.
Building Blocks (13-14) (PDF 364KB)     
An overview of what low-cost Vector Network Analysers can offer, by Tony Haigh.
Amos Dolbear, Thomas Edison and Electrostatic Induction (15-16) (PDF 305KB)     
Cave communication experimenters are familiar with the concepts of communication by earth conduction and by electromagnetic induction, work into both of which predated the development of true radio. Mike Bedford delves into another early form of wireless communication, namely electrostatic induction.

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