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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 126
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Contents of journal 112
December 2020

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CREG Journal 112 (0-24) (PDF 4.3MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of December 2020 and was published on 1 December 2020.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 921KB)     
3D rendering showing the stereo camera system in the textured model of the Grotta Giusti cave. Image: F. Menna (FBK) and E. Nocerino (AMU)
Contents (2) (PDF 279KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
News and Notes (2)  For download see previous item
Digital Signal Processing, Rob Gill
A Cost-effective 3D Photogrammetric Approach for Semi-submerged Caves (3-6) (PDF 609KB)     
Erica Nocerino, Fabio Menna, Elisa Mariarosaria Farella and Fabio Remondino present a method, based on photogrammetry, to simultaneously survey the above and below water parts of semi-submersed caves.
Single-board Computers for Data Logging and IoT Applications (7-9) (PDF 633KB)     
Off-the-shelf SBCs could simplify the design of cave data loggers. Mike Bedford presents an overview of suitable products.
Strain Gauge Amplifier for Load Cells and other Fast-acting Signals (10-11) (PDF 584KB)     
Bob Mehew presents the work by Paul Thorne using two moderately fast-acting amplifiers to build a strain gauge amplifier for a Wheatstone bridge load cell with a rise and fall time of below 10 microseconds.
We Hear (12) (PDF 394KB)     
Roundup of news and events: Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Drone Developments: Enter the Dragon, Triboelectric Energy Scavenging, Light Sticks Under the Spotlight.
Underground Trials of Low-cost Coaxial Cables as Leaky Feeders (13-14) (PDF 457KB)     
Following previous tests aimed at determining an ideal type of cable and operating frequency, Angel Rodriguez, EA4HCN, reports on underground tests using low-cost coaxial cables as leaky feeders aimed at quantifying real-world performance.
Building Blocks (15) (PDF 352KB)     
Exploring what a basic GPS receiver can offer, by Tony Haigh.
An Introduction to GNU Radio (16-19) (PDF 832KB)     
Digital Signal Processing offers many advantages over more traditional analogue approaches. Robin Gape presents an introduction to this DSP package, which can run on a Raspberry Pi.
Letters to the Editor (20-21) (PDF 724KB)     
Earth Resistivity Surveying, Mike Cowlishaw; Earth Resistivity - Correction; Addressable Electrodes, David Gibson.
The Adventures of Greg (20)  For download see previous item
Illustration by Adrian Higgins, and words by Stuart France.
Web Watch (21) (PDF 283KB)     
Fascinating links - from serious power tools, incredible charging speeds to powerful magnification, by Peter Ludwig.
Update: Regenerative Brake (21)  For download see previous item
In an extension of his notes on regenerative braking, David Gibson describes how to build an LED lamp that is powered by a falling weight.
HF Cave Radio - The Story so Far (22-24) (PDF 402KB)     
Mike Bedford and Rob Gill summarise the results of several years of experimentation into cave radio at HF and suggest some avenues for further work.

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