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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 108
December 2019

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CREG Journal 108 (0-24) (PDF 5.9MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of December 2019 and was published on 1 December 2019.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 1.7MB)     
A high-power HF amateur radio station in Yordas Cave during the Autumn CREG Field Meeting. Photo: Ian Cooper
Contents (2) (PDF 279KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
The Adventures of GREG (2)  For download see previous item
Illustration by Adrian Higgins, and words by Mike Bedford.
Introducing the UNEXMIN Robot for Surveying Flooded Underground Spaces (3-6) (PDF 515KB)     
UNEXMIN is an underwater robot that was developed for exploring flooded underground mines. Steve Henley, of Resources Computing International Ltd, describes the vehicle and illustrates its achievements by referring to trials in the flooded sections of an archaeological mine and a natural cave.
Building Blocks (7) (PDF 365KB)     
A review of options for building signal sources, by Tony Haigh.
A Lesson from Thailand: GIS for Cave Rescue (8-11) (PDF 1010KB)     
Chanist Prasertburanakul, ESRI Thailand, Songkorn Seangseubchart, GIS Co., Ltd. and Dr. Somsak Wathanaprida, Thailand Department of Mineral Resource, describe how GIS was used to bring about a successful outcome to the rescue in Tham Luang Nang Non.
Temperature Logging: Does Ogof Gofan Extend Inland? (12-15) (PDF 1.2MB)     
One of the most unusual and attractive small caves in Wales has been the subject of diverse research including archaeology, bat ecology and physical data logging. The cave can only be accessed by abseiling from high sea cliffs. Stuart France reports on air temperature variations he studied to evidence if this cave continues inland.
Web Watch (15) (PDF 364KB)     
Peter Ludwig with a couple of interesting links from a recent trawl of the Internet...
We Hear (16) (PDF 267KB)     
Roundup of news and events – Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Handheld Laser Scanner with Imaging Capability, Forget Photogrammetry, Meet Videogrammetry, Compact VLF Antenna Thanks to Lithium Niobate.
The Tinytag Connect System and its Application in the British Cave Monitoring Centre (17-20) (PDF 906KB)     
Paul Blewett of Gemini Data Loggers provides an overview of the Tinytag Connect System and data loggers supplied to the BCRA’s British Cave Monitoring Centre based at Poole's Cavern.
The Hidden Earth Projector Shutters (21-22) (PDF 393KB)     
The UK's annual caving conference – Hidden Earth – required a remotely-operated shutter for its video projectors. David Gibson came up with a solution, using pieces of cardboard, motors, reed switches, and a generous quantity of steering diodes.
Autumn 2019 CREG Field Meeting (23-24) (PDF 556KB)     
A well-attended field meeting was held in the Yorkshire Dales at the end of October. Robin Gape reports on the weekend's activities.

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