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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 105
March 2019

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CREG Journal 105 (0-24) (PDF 10.4MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of March 2019 and was published on 1 March 2019.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 2.8MB)     
The fluorescent minerals of Sterling Hill Mine, New Jersey. Photo: Michael Kucinski.
Contents (2) (PDF 275KB)     
List of contents and masthead information. Foto Focus, 2019 Spring Field Meeting – Derbyshire.
Near Infrared Imaging for Recording Archaeological Cave Art (3-5) (PDF 511KB)     
Dan Britton outlines how near infrared photography was used to record archaeological rock art in Dahaisi Cave, in the Indian Ocean, much of it rendered almost invisible in visible light, due to abrasion, weathering and calcite flow.
3D Printing of Caves Goes Mainstream (6-7) (PDF 610KB)     
Recently, 3D data has been used to generate physical cave models via 3D printing. John Rabson illustrates how this technique has been used for tourism and education.
A Flashbulb Moment (8-11) (PDF 930KB)     
While other cave photographers are debating the pros and cons of electronic flashguns versus continuous LED lighting, Chris Howes argues that old fashioned flashbulbs are still a valuable form of lighting. Here he provides some background before looking at the benefits of bulbs, their types and availability, and how to fire them.
Photographing the Fluorescent Minerals of New Jersey (12-14) (PDF 1.7MB)     
Michael Kucinski introduces the spectacular fluorescent minerals in Sterling Hill Mine, before describing and showcasing his photographic expeditions in this locality.
We Hear (15) (PDF 282KB)     
Roundup of news and events – Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Foto Focus, Tough Cameras More Affordable, High-power UV Flashlight, Foldable Drone for HD Photography.
Thermal Imaging – Cave Applications (16-18) (PDF 1.9MB)     
In the second of two articles, John T M Lyles reviews cave applications of thermal imaging in the light of developments in the technology over the last ten years. He also offers a summary of best practice, based on experience with this technology.
Letters to the Editor (19) (PDF 340KB)     
Radiolocation Juan Leandro, Clarification: Fundamentals Rob Gill.
Web Watch (19)  For download see previous item
Peter Ludwig offers another pick of interesting sites worthy of closer inspection by the curious...
Building Blocks (20) (PDF 278KB)     
Low-cost SDR modules can make effective VLF spectrum analysers by Tony Haigh.
Cavern Imaging using Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence (21-24) (PDF 2.6MB)     
A scanning ultraviolet laser allows long distance fluorescent targets to be photographed to create large-scale panoramas underground. It also causes fluorescence in cave formations where the effect is barely noticeable with an ordinary UV source. Thomas G. Kaye, Jessica Garcia and Michael Pittman describe how such a device was developed and used, and highlight the results achieved.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 239KB)     
Illustration by Adrian Higgins, and words by Mike Bedford.

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