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Information for Writers and Contributors

Copyright Licence Agreement

Thank you for contributing to (or offering to contribute to) one of our publications. Clearly, you would not be sending us your material if you were not giving us permission to publish it, but we need to make sure that the extent of the permission is agreed. Basically, we do not ask you to transfer copyright to us, but we ask that you give us a licence to use your contribution in print and online in various ways. The details are explained below.

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Ownership of Copyright

Transfer of Copyright

What we will do with your material

Obviously, we are going to use your work in our printed publication. However, we would also like to be able to use it in the online versions of our publications and, for that, we need your explicit permission. We therefore ask you to agree that...

BCRA shall retain, in perpetuity, a non-exclusive licence to reproduce the work containing your material in any medium. This licence shall extend to the separate publication of individual articles in the work, and to BCRA’s licensing of the content of the work to database and library services, but not to any other use of your material. If you need any further information as to what this means, please see bcra.org.uk/copyright or get in touch with us.

How to convey your agreement to us

The simplest way for you to do this is to paste the following text into an email and to send it copyright3@.... We do not need a "signature" from you, so an email will be fine. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Copyright Licence Agreement with BCRA

1. I agree to license my contribution to BCRA's publications in accordance with the copyright licensing statement on your website and contained in the online document licence_061113_dg1b.pdf.

2. I confirm that the contribution is my original work, and will not infringe any existing copyright. I have obtained recorded permission from the owners of any copyright material that I have incorporated, and I have acknowledged them in my article.

3. I agree that this licence will apply to all my previous contributions to BCRA's publications.

4. I agree that this licence will apply to all my future contributions to BCRA's publications, unless I state otherwise at the time of submission of my work.

Further Details for Contributors

Under English law, you own the copyright in your manuscript (including photos, diagrams, maps etc.) and this can only be assigned to another owner by written agreement. BCRA does not seek such agreement from you. However, by submitting your manuscript for publication it is obvious that you must be implicitly agreeing to allow BCRA a licence to reproduce your work and, in the absence of any further agreement with you, that licence will be restricted to a British serial right or a British book right as appropriate.

BCRA wishes to archive its publications in a way that makes them more accessible to future generations. To allow us the options of shipping our publications on CD-ROM and of making them available on the Internet, we would like to license from you a non-exclusive right to British electronic publication and to Internet publication. The form of the licence, as it will appear in our publications, will be ...

Copyright of text, photos, and graphics that appear in this work will not be assigned to the Association but the Association shall retain, in perpetuity, a non-exclusive licence to reproduce this work in any medium. This licence shall extend to the separate publication of individual articles in the work and to BCRA's licensing of the content of the work to database and library services but not to any other use of your material.

We do not need a 'signed' statement from you, but we do need a tangible confirmation of your agreement (e.g. an email). If you have previously agreed to these licensing conditions, submission of further material may be taken by us as confirmation that you are still in agreement unless you notify us in writing of any restrictions that you wish to be applied.

These arrangements were designed to cope with the majority of written contributions to our publications. However, we are aware that in some circumstances - particularly concerning the use of photographs - some contributors may wish to place restrictions on the scope or duration of the licence, or on the nature of the publication medium (e.g. low resolution copy-protected PDF). These should be discussed with the editor on a case-by-case basis. Another special circumstance concerns the use of cave surveys. A caving club might generate significant income from the sale of a survey so, if you submit a survey for publication, you might wish to restrict its electronic publication to a low-resolution copy or for a specific time period.

In these respects all authors should note that our conditions of 'in perpetuity' and 'in any medium' are intended to avoid the need for us to contact authors more than once over the ensuing years and they do not represent a specific demand by us for a broadly-based licence. BCRA is willing to discuss the matter with those few authors who may require more explicit terms. For some publications, BCRA may require additional conditions that cover the licensing or syndication right of the content of the work to database and library services.

Please also note that...

In the past, BCRA has issued guidelines to authors that have stated that BCRA will own the copyright of any material submitted. Such a statement is not correct, in law, because copyright can only be assigned by a written agreement. However, by submitting your article, and having it subjected to the normal 'creative' editorial processes, BCRA does create a copyright interest in your published text, but only to the extent that the text has been edited. It is normal practice for the author to seek permission from the publisher to reproduce this edited text (sometimes referred to as the 'author manuscript' or 'final author version' or 'post-print' version) and BCRA will almost certainly agree to this. However, just to stress the point made earlier, BCRA cannot give permission for third-party reproduction because the author's copyright has not been assigned to BCRA in writing.

Document Revisions

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/copyright/info_writers.html was last modified on Tue, 17 Nov 2020 09:31:31 +0000