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Cave Research Group of Great Britain; Biological Records 19381976. A fully digital version of the biological data collected in British and Irish caves between 1938 and 1976 – the Hazelton records – is now available. It contains 5581 individual records and the original printed page for each record can be viewed as a pdf image. A paper describing the database, by by Graham Proudlove and Will Burn can be found in Cave & Karst Science 47(1).
Cave Biology Database at the UK Cave Registry. There is a wealth of information on the biology of caves, and other subterranean habitats, in Great Britain and Ireland. The most valuable information was generated by many cavers and cave scientists between the 1940s and the 1970s; compiled by Mary Hazelton, Biological Recorder of the Cave Research Group of Great Britain (CRG); and published (on paper) by the CRG and the British Cave Research Association (BCRA).
Essential Sources in Cave Science. Proudlove, Graham (ed.) (2006). Essential Sources in Cave Science [Cave Studies Series 16]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £4.50 plus postage. ISBN 0-900265-31-0. 56pp, A4, no illustrations.
Subterranean Fishes of the World. An account of the subterranean (hypogean) fishes with a bibliography from 1436. This online searchable bibliography is jointly authored by Graham Proudlove and William R. Elliott.
The Jefferson collection of cave fauna. The late Jeff Jefferson was one of Britain's leading cave biologists. Throughout his life he collected animals from subterreanean sites and amassed a large collection. This is now housed in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, and has been curated and preserved by Julian Carter. This downloadable file contains a list of the animals in the Jefferson Collection and many other details.
Bibliography of British subterranean biology. This is a first attempt to compile a full bibliography of all substantive works relating to the biology of subterranean habitats in the British Isles. It is a work in progress and is not yet complete. The current list has over 250 entries from 1853 to 2001.
Obligate subterranean fauna of the British Isles. Various books and papers published over the past 60 years provide lists of the obligate subterranean fauna of the British Isles. No two lists provide the same information and it is not easy to determine which animals are restricted to underground (= hypogean) habitats in these Islands. I have attempted to draw together these lists to compile a list of all hypogean species.
Grid co-ordinates converter Many of the individual records contained within the "Biological Records" provide the 100km grid square details as a two digit number (e.g. 61/456789) rather than the more modern two letter code (e.g. SD/123456).
British Cave Research Association (UK
registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel,
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