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BCRA > Publications > List books by ISBN
See also:
BCRA > Publications > List serials by ISSN

Books published by BCRA and CRG

This draft list of BCRA publications (indexed by ISBN or ISSN) has been prepared by Pete Cousins (March 2002). Amended by David Gibson, January 2007.

Showing ?

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(all these were issed as 10 digit ISBNs except where shown)

Date Title In Print? In BL / Nielson Catalogue? Online?
POD print?
00-0 00-6 CRG, 1972 Technical Aids in Caving: Proceedings of a Symposium at High Peak College, Buxton no no/no   1
01-9 01-3 CRG, 1964 Mendip Cave Bibliography and Survey Catalog [Part I] by R.W. Mansfield, T.E. Reynolds and I.J. Standing no no/no   2
unassigned unassigned CRG, 1972 Mendip Cave Bibliography and Survey Catalog - Part II by T.R. Shaw [Trans. CRG Vol 14 (3)] no no/no   2
03-5 03-7 1976 Surveying Caves, by B.M. Ellis no yes/yes    
04-3 04-4 1987 Cave Studies #1 £3.00 no/yes Online.
POD to stock via Lulu
      #5 & 6 - issues 19 and 20 of 'Current Titles' no no/yes   3
07-8 07-5 1988 Cave Studies #2 no no/yes    
08-6 08-2 1988 Legal Aspects of Access Underground, by Peter Mellors no yes/yes    
      #9 - issue 21 of 'Current Titles' no no/yes   3
10-8 10-5 1989 The Ease Gill Cave System, by Jim Eyre no no/yes    
      #11 - issue 22 of 'Current Titles' no no/yes   3
12-4 12-9 1990 Cave Studies #3 no no/no    
      #13 & 14 - issues 23 and 24 of 'Current Titles' no no/no   3
15-9 15-0 1993 Xingwen: The China Caves Project (1989 - 1992), Edited by A.C. Waltham and D.G. Willis a very few copies in stock at the British Caving Library no/no    
      #16 - issue 25 of 'Current Titles' no no/no   3
17-5 17-4 1994 Cave Studies #4 no yes/yes    
18-3 18-1 1994 Cave Studies #5 no yes/yes    
19-1 19-8 1995 Cave Studies #6 no yes/no    
20-5 20-4 1998 Cave Studies #7 £3.00 yes/no POD to stock via Lulu  
21-3 21-1 1999 Cave Studies #8 £3.00 yes/yes    
22-1 22-8 1999 Cave Science - Combined Indexes, Volume II, Compiled by Peter Cousins and Graham Mullan yes no/no   4
23-X 23-5 2001 Cave Studies #9 £3.00 yes/yes    
24-8 24-2 2002 Cave Studies #10 £3.00 yes/yes    
25-6 25-9 2002 Cave Studies #11 £3.00 yes/yes    
26-4 26-6 2006 Cave Studies #12 no yes/no    
27-2 27-3 2003 Cave Studies #13 £3.00 yes/no    
28-0 28-0   Intended for BCA Handbook, but not used. See note 5       5
29-9 29-7 2004 Cave Studies #14 £3.00 yes/yes    
30-2 30-3 2005 Cave Studies #15 £3.00 yes/no    
31-0 31-0 2006 Cave Studies #16 out-of-print, but replaced by ISBN 978-0-900265-50-1 no/no Online.
POD to stock via Lulu
32-9 32-7 2007 Cave Studies #17 £5.00 yes/no Online.
POD to stock via Lulu
33-7 33-4   gap in records - reason unknown       7
34-5 34-1 2009 Cave Studies #18 £5.00 yes/no Online.
POD to stock via Lulu
35-3 35-8 2010 Cave Studies #19 - issued as 13-digit ISBN £3.00 yes/yes    
36-1 36-5   not used        
37-X 37-2   not used        
38-8 38-9   not used        
39-6 39-6   not used        
40-X 40-2   not used        
41-8 41-9 2008 Bensley, B., G Campion, M Clayton, T Harrison and E Porter (Eds.), (April 2008), Lichuan Expedition 2006: The 20th China Caves Project Expedition to Hubei & Jiangxi Provinces. no yes/no   8
42-6 42-6 2007 Bensley, B., Campion, G., Clayton, M., Harrison, T., Porter, E. and Renton, A. (Eds.), (2007), Guangxi 2005 Expedition – The 19th China Caves Project Expedition to Bama and Fengshan Counties in Guangxi Province, China. no yes/no   8
43-4 43-3 2005 Bensley, B., G Campion, M Clayton, T Harrison and E Porter (Eds.), (October 2005), Tian'e and Fengshan Expeditions 2004: 17th and 18th China Caves Project Expeditions. no yes/no   8

Go to Records 44 to 99

Notes for records 00 to 43

  1. This record, according to the British Library Catalogue, is a book by the Stainless Steel Fabricators’ Association of Great Britain.
  2. The situation regarding the two volumes of Mendip Bibliography is anomalous. Whittakers reference does not give sufficient information to determine which was allocated the ISBN 0 900265 01 9 (No Author, Publication Date or Part number is given) so it could be that Part I was allocated respectively. Part II was published in 1972 as a very unusual CRG Transactions - 225 duplicated pages - at a time when Trans was usually printed. Pete Cousins believes that this book was intended to be ISBN 0 900265 02 7 which is now a blank record.
  3. The ISBN's issued to Current Titles - most of which are long out of print - have been omitted as these are more usually treated as a Serial.
  4. The situation regarding the Cave Science Index is anomalous. Volume I was allocated (by BCRA) to the same ISSN as the Cave Science series (ISSN 0263-760X). However, Volume II was allocated (by BCRA) an ISBN number, and was not given an ISSN to match volume I. It appears that the British Library are not aware of the ISBN that was allocated to Volume II - possibly they were not sent a copy of either of these volumes?
  5. [28] is a blank record in the British Library catalogue. It was intended by BCRA for the BCA Handbook for 2006-7, but this was not published by BCRA, and does not contain a printed ISBN.
  6. no note
  7. This record is understood to have been allocated to Dave Judson for a Cave Studies volume, but not used
  8. The situation regarding these three China Caves Publications is confusing. China Caves Publications is not a BCRA concern and so the ISBNs should not have been issued by BCRA. Furthermore, the BCRA library appears to have no copy of the 2007 and 2008 publications. In the future, BCRA should consider making CCP an imprint of BCRA; but it must insist on a standardised masthead; standardised recording and distribution; and it must receive a reference copy!

Page editing note: (for BCRA web site editor) Table rows have class oop or inp for out-of-print and in-print.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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