BCRA > Online Content > Bad Login

Error! - Your login credentials were not valid

BCRA Members: Your User Name and Access Code are printed on your BCRA membership card. The User Name and Access Code change every year so make sure you have a current BCRA membership card in front of you (NB: not your BCA card - you need your gold-coloured BCRA card). If you joined or renewed online you will have received an email from us, containing the same information, with subject: BCRA online ID

Non-members: When you bought your online subscription you will have received an email from us, containing your access credentials, with subject: BCRA online ID

The most common causes of a failed login are...

  • Using an out-of-date user id - for members, your userid changes every year
  • Failing to properly read your login information from the email you have received

Please check that you have typed exactly what the email tells you to type. If it says...

Joe BLOGGS: userID BloggsJ0417, Access Code 06B4A3

...this means that your userId is BloggsJ0417 and your access code is 06B4A3. A very common mistake is where customers type only part of the userId, and/or use an access code from a previous year. Please read your email carefully and type exactly what it tells you to type!

If you are still having problems, please contact Publications Admin. and we will investigate your difficulty as soon as we can. Alternatively, please read on...

Possible cause of error What you should do
Your user-id has expired

Please check your typing carefully. The group of four digits in your user-id indicates its expiry date so, for example, 0315 means that your user-id expires at the end of March 2015.

If you are a member of BCRA... User-ids for Individual Members of BCRA are issued with your membership card (and sent to you by email if you pay online). If you think you should have been sent a user-id and it has not arrived, or you have lost or mislaid the information, please contact the Membership officer. To renew your membership online goto Form M1

If you are not a member of BCRA and you want to purchase a login; either...

  • a paid-for login for all BCRA's content (including CREG journal), or
  • a paid-for login for the CREG journal only, or
  • a free login for Cave and Karst Science only,

...please go back to the login page and select Option 1 or Option 2 from the options listed on that page.

The access code did not match the user-id Please check your typing carefully. Your user-id consists of a string of letters followed by four digits. Example: smithab0509. Your access code consists of six characters, each of which may be a digit 0 to 9, or a letter a to f. Some access codes may be followed by a hyphen and a single character. Examples: af40e2, 002ed1-4.

Neither the user-id nor the access code are case-sensitive. In addition, in the access code, if you make a common mistake such as confusing the digit zero (0) with the letter O, or the digit one (1) with an upper-case I or a lower-case L, the system will tolerate this, and will correct your error.
You are not authorised to view the document you have requested The access credentials issued to you do not allow you to access the document. This may be because you have purchased access to a single document only, or to a particular class of documents only (e.g. CREG journals) or because you are attempting to access a 'premium' document that requires an additional subscription fee to be paid. To query this, please contact the Publications Admin., quoting the document reference given at the top of this page.
There is a mistake in our software Please report this to the Publications Admin., quoting this string:

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/pub/docs/report_badlogin.html was last modified on Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:14:31 +0000