Contents of Issue 90, Spring/Summer 2001
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Caving > Contents
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Caving News | Overseas Caving News |
Features | Reviews |
Equipment Reports | Association
Dan-yr-Ogof: Tales of Exploration
Discovering Cave Sediments: Histories
from the mud
Pakistan: Stories and records
Photo by Tony Baker,
Lower Series, DYO II, near Mazeways Entrance Pool
The editorial discusses the foot and mouth outbreak, and comments on the
fragility of the natural environment, and its inter-dependence with caving
activities and the local economy. Not only have farmers, accommodation
suppliers, local shops and businesses suffered, but many caving equipment
suppliers have had a large loss of income.
(Chandler, I.E.) 4
UK Caving News
- Titan Shaft progress (Arveschoug, D.) 9
- Ireby Fell Cavern fatalities 8
- Awards from the Sports Council of Wales 8
- Rescue from new 'cave' in South Wales (artificial cave at the Welsh
International Climbing Centre, designed by Colin Boothroyd) 8
- Ogof Draenen: Digging in the northern choke in War of the Worlds, and
Rifleman's Choke 10
- Digging in Eglwys Faen (Stewart, T.) 10
- Rescue from Daren Cilau at the beginning of the Foot & Mouth
outbreak (Stewart, T.)10-11
- Diving in Daren Cilau (Price, D.)11
- Pwll Du Tunnel (Gardener, C.)11
- Carno Adit (Bailey, C.)11
- Clydach Gorge 11-12
- Parys Underground Group/Grwp Tanddaearol Parys (Summers,
- Waen Felin and Tranch Iron Mine (Donovan, T.)12
- Dan-yr-Ogof: Tales of exploration (Gardener, C.) 29-34
- Dan-yr-Ogof Cave Advisory Committee/Pwyllgor Ymgynhorol (Little, E.)
- Dan-yr-Ogof: The geological framework (Ball, K.) 35-37
- Dan-yr-Ogof: Exploration from 1991, the Great North Road and the Far
North (Kealy, L.) 37-39
- Dan-yr-Ogof: Explorations in the Show Cave (Donovan, T.)
- Dan-yr-Ogof: Digging from the 1937 Series to the Rising (McCombe, M.)
- Dan-yr-Ogof: Plumbing the Depths and Scaling the Heights (Corrigan,
J.) 42-43
Overseas Caving News
- Scialet de la Fromagère (-902m), Vercors, France
- Meghalaya, India 2001: Caving in the Abode of the Clouds Expedition
2001 15
- Irish Caving Symposium 2000 14
- Cave Rescue at Pollbeg, County Clare 14
- Amazing new discoveries in Pollnagollum, County Clare 14
- Pollution at Cascades, County Fermanagh 14
- Norway's Longest Cave, Tjoarvekrajgge beyond 12Km 15
- Cave exploration in Pakistan, November 2000 (Brooks, S.)
- The National Speleological Society in the USA 16-18
- Foot & Mouth Virus underground (Merchant, D., Underground,
SUI & ICRO Newsletter) 8
- Sink or Swim: A study on negative buoyancy in outdoor activities
(Rafferty, P.) 18-19
- Discovering Sediments: "Is cave sediment simply mud?" (Thistlewood,
L.) 20-23
- Irish Speleology 17 14
- Journal of the Speleological Society of Japan 23, December
1998 & 24, December 1999 (Nichols, T.) 55
- Nase Jama 41, 1999 (Richardson, A.) 55
- Slovensky Kras XXXVI, 1998 & XXXVII, 1999 (Richardson, A.)
- Spelaion 7, March 2000 (Nichols, T.) 55-56
- Subterranea 13, April 2000 (Nichols, T.) 56
- Leize Kobaue 5, 1999 (Whitaker, T.) 56
- White Rose Pothole Club Journal 2001 (Long, H.) 56
- 2000 Insight Guides, Discovery Communications Inc. (Chandler,
I.E.) 57
- Wefer, F.L., 2000 Where the sun don't shine (Oldham, T.)
Equipment Reports
- The DISTO Classic laser rangefinder (White, T.) 57
Association News
- Diary Dates 6
- Hidden Earth Conference Update 6-7
- Welcome to the new President, Tony Waltham 8
- Ghar Parau Foundation awards 2001 13
- BCRA Cave Science Symposium 2001 (Baker, A. & J. Whistler)
- Council Diary 52
- UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund Annual Accounts 2000
- Secretary's Notebook 53-54
- Arthur Butcher Award for 2000 53
- Ghar Parau Foundation Accounts for the year ended 31.12.00
- Memo to Members 54
- Advertisement for BCRA Publications (Shield, E.) 58 and inside
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