Contents of Issue 87, Spring/Summer 2000
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Caving > Contents
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Caving News | Overseas Caving News |
Features | Reviews |
Equipment Reports | Association
Oman - Finding the Caves
Meghalaya - Two Expedition
Llangattock - The Lost Cave Found?
Photo by Hugh Penney, Ben Shaw on the first pitch of Hatat Lohum Cave, Dhofar.
Note the dead camel below him
The Spring and Summer issues have been combined to help overcome the
delay due to past production difficulties and the changeover of editors. This
is the first editorial of the new Editor, Ian Ellis Chandler. Mention is made
of the discussions underway between BCRA and NCA regarding the future structure
of British caving.
(Chandler, I.E.) 4
- Ladders stolen from County Pot, Easegill, Sunday 16 April 2000 (Red
Rose Cave & Pothole Club) 9
UK Caving News
- Ogof Draenen (Garman, A.) 16
- Pant Mawr Area 16
- The Mynydd Ddu 16
- Diving in Blaen Hepste Resurgence, Pant Mawr, Porth yr Ogof, Pwll y
Cwm, Pwll Dwfn and Ogof Gwynt y Eira 16
- Carno Adit 16
- Pilgrim's Progress, Daren Cilau (Price, D.) 16-17
- The Lost Cave of Llangattock? (Gardener, C.) 37-42
Forest of Dean
- Slaughter Stream Cave 13
- Hole in the Hedge 13
- Redhouse Lane Swallet 13
- Miss Grace's Lane Cave - Interview with Jan Karvik (Taylor, P.)
- The Dropper 15
- GCRG sponsorship deal with Tdi Landrover 15
- Surface progress at Titan (Arveschoug, D.) 7
- Dowel Dale Side Pot (Hallam, T.) 7-8
- Strawberry Pot (Ryder, P.) 12
- Trapdoor Pot, Dowlass Moss (St Lawrence, H. & P. Hall)
- Mendip Roundup 10-11
- MRO Register of Cave Rescuers for the North Somerset Stone Mines
(Tye, F.) 12
- Cotham Caving Group awarded a grant by AWARDS FOR ALL (Tye, F.)
- Baker's Pit closed since September on conservation issues
- New discovery in the Three Locks Karst Area - Uamh nan Naomh
Seòras (Grindley, R.) 8
Overseas Caving News
- Cave & Karst Conservation and Access Symposium 20-21 May 2000
- The annual SUI/ICRO Caving Symposium 27-31 October 2000 9
- Meghalaya: Further adventures in the Abode of the Clouds, Northeast
India (Brown, M. & P. Doweswell) 22-25
- Meghalaya (Wilkinson, P.) 47-48
- Oman: Caves of Dhofar (Shaw, B., H. Penney & F. Tully)
- Matienzo '99 (Corrin, J.) 43-46
- "Caves is where you find 'em" (Waltham, T.) 26-28
- Computer fiddling (Wooldridge, J.) 29-32
- Meghalaya, India 2000: Caving in the Abode of the Clouds 2000
(Brooks, S.) (Whitaker, T.) 54
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian Caves (Whitaker, T.) 54
- Holland: Pierk, December 1999 and March 2000 (Dikstra, M.)
- China: UBS Info, 2000 No. 134 pp 11-12 (Whitaker, T.) 55
- Brazil: O Carste Vol. 11 No. 2 April 1999; Vol. 12 No. 1 January
2000; Vol. 12 No. 2 April 2000 (Oldham, T. & T. Whitaker) 55-56
- Spain: WMCEG Spanish trip November 1999 (Whitaker, T.)
- Mexico: Mundos Subterráneos No. 10 September 1999 (Whitaker,
T.) 57
- Norway: Caves of Marble: The caves of Svardtal and other areas of Sor
Helgeland, Norway (St Pierre, D.) 57
- The Red Dragon - y Ddraig Goch Vol. 26 1999-2000 (Oldham, T.)
- La France des grottes et cavernes (Siffre, M.) (Oldham, T.)
- The Handbook of the Derbyshire Caving Association 57
- Gaping Gill - 100 years of exploration (Video) (Perou, S.)
(Halliwell, R.) 58
Equipment Reports
- Is your stinky poisoning you? (Whitaker, T.) 53
Association News
- BCRA Contacts 5
- Progress report on discussions between BCRA and NCA (Mehew, R. &
D. Judson) 6
- Vale:
- Francis Graham Balcombe, 8 March 1907 - 19 March 2000
- Richard Websell, 1953 - 25 February 2000
- James Jackson Leach, 23 December 1920 - 15 March 2000
- Bob Lewis 1946 - 8 November 1999
- BCRA requires a new Treasurer 8
- Access News and General Information (St Lawrence, H.) 11
- Annual Report and Accounts 1999 of the United Kingdon Cave
Conservation Emergency Fund (Price, G.) 49
- Arthur Butcher Award for Cave Surveying - Description and Rules of
the Award, Previous Winners and Nomination/Application Form 50
- Secretary's Notebook - changes in BCRA Personnel (Wilcock, J.)
- Ghar Parau Foundation Accounts for the year ended 31.12.99
- Grant application deadlines for the BCRA Research Fund and Ghar Parau
Foundation 51
- BCRC/CREG Cave Radio Testing (Allwright, P.) 51
- Council matters and diary (Wilcock, J.) 52
- Annual General Meeting 16.09.00 Agenda and Notices for Motions
(Wilcock, J.) 53
- Nominations for Officers and Members of Council for 2001 (Wilcock,
J.) 53
- Wanted: Reviewers or Abstractors for foreign journals for Caves
& Caving and BBS/SA (Whitaker, T.) 53
This page created by Dr John D. Wilcock and edited by David Gibson.
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