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Contents List
The contents list, and downloads of some individual articles will be available as soon as possible (Message dated 16-Nov-2023)
%2 £5.00 plus postage %J BCRA Review %E Phil Wolstenholme %D 2022 %C Buxton %I British Cave Research Association %P iv + 60 %Z A4, with photos, maps and diagrams %N 22,2022,October 2023 %@ ISSN 2516-1423 %3 British Cave Research Association Annual Review for 2022 %_ end # ===== ARTICLES SECTION # %P page # %T title # %A Author # %X This is the field for a summary or abstract. # %9 biblio (print a bibliograph # %K This is the field for keywords # %Z openAccess # %8 Received / Published online # %_ end %P i %T Front cover %X Matt Ewles admiring the botryoidal speleothem in Aven Emeraude, St.Privat de Champlclos, France, May 2022. Photo: Gary Douthwaite %A Gary Douthwaite %_ end %P ii %T Minutes of the 2022 BCRA Annual General Meeting %_ end %P 1 %T List of Contents %_ end %P 2-15 %T BCRA Officers Reports %X Chairman, Secretary, IT and Web, Treasurer, Library Co-ordinator %_ end %P 6-13 %T Treasurer's report %X An extract of part of the above Officers Reports, as submitted to our AGM. %_ end %P 16-18 %T BCRA Publications %X Cave and Karst Science, CREG Journal, Cave Studies Series, Publications on the BCRA Website %_ end %P 19-22 %T The Peter Binns Collection %9 Feature %X Peter Binns (1917-2002) played a significant role in the reorganisation of British Caving after the Second World War. In 1934 when he was just sixteen, he stayed in the shooting hut on Leck Fell with his friend Lawrence Buckle for a week, when they helped Simpson explore and survey the upper reaches of Pippikin and Nippikin. Peter became a fully fledged member of the BSA, and he is probably best remembered for the surveying and photography trip into the Hensler's system with Monty Grainger, Fred Davies, and Peter Longbottom the day after it was discovered, when he assisted Grainger with the surveying. Peter features in the accompanying iconic picture of the twin stalactites in the Hensler's Master Cave taken by Fred Davies. %X BCRA is grateful to Peter's son Michael for scanning Peter's material and making it available to the BCRA Online Archive. He was happy for the photos to be used in a non-commercial way by the BCRA and any other speleological organisation for educational and research purposes, but requested that the source be acknowledged. Sadly, Michael died in May 2022. %A John Gardner %_ end %P 23-28 %T BCRA Special Interest Groups %X Cave Radio and Electronics Group (CREG), Cave Surveying Group (CSG), Explosives Users Group (EUG), Cave Archaeology Group (CAG), Cave Biology Group (CBG) %_ end %P 29-31 %T BCRA Grants and Awards %X BCRA's Annual Awards, UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund (UKCCEF), Cave Science and Technology Research Fund (CSTRF) %_ end %P 32-34 %T BCRA Photo Salon %X Due to the cancellation of the 2022 Hidden Earth conference (and thus also the prestigious Photo Salon competition, our regular source of underground photography for the centre pages), an open call was put out for interesting photos, and a selection is presented both here and on the front and back covers for your enjoyment. %_ end %P 35-54 %T BCRA Scientific Meetings %X 33rd BCRA Cave Science Symposium, Valley Entrance (CREG), Alderley Edge Copper Mines, Lower Winskill (CAG), Dove Valley %_ end %P 55-60 %9 Feature %T The British Cave Science Centre, a Five-Year Review (2018-2022) %A Andrew Smith, John Gunn %_ end %P iii %T Useful BCRA contact addresses %_ end %P iv %T Back Cover %X A selection of images related to ongoing research, or documentation of underground phenomena. For details see contents page. %A Gary Douthwaite, John Gunn, Jon Pemberton, Phil Wolstenholme, Adam Atkins %_ end