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%0 Journal
%1 review
%2 £6.25 plus postage
%J BCRA Review
%E Phil Wolstenholme
%D 2019
%C Buxton
%I British Cave Research Association
%P iv + 54
%Z A4, with photos, maps and diagrams
%N 19,2019,October 2020
%@ ISSN 2516-1423
%3 British Cave Research Association Annual Review for 2019
%_ end


%P i
%T Front cover
%X Poole's Cavern, Buxton, has long been famous for the many hyperalkaline speleothem deposits and their remarkable speed of growth. A drip logger was placed under one such drip on 20 December 2019 (left image) with the intention of downloading it in March. COVID intervened and a visit on 12 July showed the logger rendered inoperable by the accumulation of calcite which had formed a stalagmite that eventually joined with the stalactite (right and centre images).
%A John Gunn
%_ end

%P ii
%T Minutes of the 2019 BCRA Annual General Meeting
%_ end

%P 1
%T List of Contents
%_ end

%P 2-13
%T BCRA Officers Reports
%X Chairman, Secretary, IT and Web, Annual Accounts Summary for 2019, Treasurer, British Caving Library
%_ end

%P 14-16
%T BCRA Publications
%X Cave and Karst Science, CREG Journal, Cave Studies Series, Publications on the BCRA Website
%_ end

%P 17-21
%T BCRA Special Interest Groups
%X Cave Radio and Electronics Group (CREG), Cave Surveying Group (CSG), Cave Archaeology Group (CAG), Explosives Users Group (EUG), Cave Biology Group (CBG)
%_ end

%P 22-32
%T BCRA Grants and Awards
%X BCRA's Annual Awards, UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund (UKCCEF), Premier Trophy: Winning Portfolio 2019, A selection of 2019 Hidden Earth Photo and Art Salon Entries, Cave Science and Technology Research Fund (CSTRF), Ghar Parau Foundation (GPF), Hidden Earth 2019, Horsham District Scouts: Artificial Cave Project
%_ end

%P 33-43
%T BCRA Scientific Meetings
%X Science Workshop, Field Meeting at Poole’s Cavern, Field Meeting, North Pennines, Cave Science Symposium, Field Meeting to Creswell Crags
%_ end

%P 44
%9 Feature
%T The British Cave Science Centre (BCSC), Poole’s Cavern, Buxton
%A Andi Smith, John Gunn
%_ end

%P 45-47
%9 Feature
%T Data Capture and Communications at the Cave Science Centre
%X Also See: Data Protocol and Coding Examples for the British Cave Science Centre in CREG journal 115, which is an expanded version of this article
%A David Gibson
%_ end

%P 48-56
%9 Feature
%T A Crawl Through Cave Art
%A Dominika Wróblewska
%_ end

%P iii
%T Useful BCRA contact addresses
%_ end

%P iv
%T Back Cover
%X A selection of images related to ongoing research projects some of which were part-funded by the BCRA–CSTRF initiative
%A John Gunn
%_ end

# %P page
# %T title
# %A Author
# %X This is the field for a summary or abstract.
# %9 biblio (print a bibliograph
# %K This is the field for keywords
# %Z openAccess
# %8 Received / Published online
# %_ end