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%0 Book
%1 cavestudies
%2 £2.50 plus postage
%T Cave Surveying
%A Anthony Day
%D 2002
%C Buxton
%I British Cave Research Association
%P 40
%Z A5, with diagrams and photos
%N Cave Studies Series 11
%@ ISBN-0-900265-25-6
%3 A guide to the equipment, techniques and methodology of the BCRA system
%X Although quite clearly based on Bryan Ellis's An Introduction to Cave Surveying, (which was number 2 in the BCRA Cave Studies Series, and is now out of print), this new publication represents a careful review and thorough updating of the subject, both in the basic approach and the BCRA 'standards'. Information subject to change over time (particularly contact details for software suppliers) will be issued on a free insert, from time to time, and maintained at