Cyclic Binaries / Chain Codes

Demo for CREGJ 117 — For file last-saved date see footer.

This demonstration accompanies the article in CREG journal 117, Applications of Chain Codes for Position Encoders by David Gibson.

There are no server-side scripts, only this HTML file, plus a CSS and JS file, so the page can be run locally, and you can edit the JavaScript file to suit. Clearly you need some knowledge of how to download and edit the files that comprise a web page.

The list of results shows a) the binary sequence, with "16s" separators, e.g. 1100, 1100, 0100 and b) the sequential decimal values of the codes read from the code window, using an m-dash (—) between groups of four, e.g. 204, 152, 49, 98 — 196, 136, 17, 34 — . All other information about the results must be gleaned by reading the javascript file.

Set the parameters below. Further options are available by editing the JS file.

  Initial value of sliding window

  Desired length of cyclic sequence

  Run Length - min value

  Run length - max value (0 defaults to window length)

  Number of sequences to search for (enter 0 for "all")

  Submit the values entered above

  Reset to the default values built in to the HTML page

  Run using the default values built in to the JavaScript file

  Re-submit the current query string, copying it to the input boxes.


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